if you’re struggling, consider therapy with my sponsor BetterHelp. click https://betterhelp.com/alessya for a 10% discount on your first month of therapy with a licensed professional specific to your needs ♡
make sure to watch the whole video so you don't miss any extra tips and advice to get yourself back on track!
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if you're tired of feeling like doing nothing, i've been there too, you're not alone! i'm giving you a deep dive into all of the strategies that helped me to get my motivation back and break myself out of the cycle of feeling stuck and burnt out. i also talk about easy ways to implement these strategies because it's easy to keep doing nothing when that's what you're used to. whether you have a lack of productivity, a creative block, no motivation, decreased focus, or you just want to become your best self to achieve your goals, i promise you this video will put you back on track to feeling like yourself again. i hope you enjoy :)
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keep up with me on all my socials ♡
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snapchat @alessyafarrugia
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spotify @alessyafarrugia
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topics i talk about ♡
00:00 intro
01:04 you're not lazy, you're burnt out
02:03 work on accepting yourself
03:32 take time to rest
04:43 talk to someone
06:23 take social media breaks
08:10 change your mindset
09:44 focus on one thing at a time
11:48 workout
12:36 i'm proud of you
14:00 bloopers to lighten the mood