Learn Traditional Vedic Astrology from Visti: http://rama-edu.com
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In this video, Visti explains how to read the houses, with practical cues from the tradition. House functions, Kendradhipati Dosha, placement of Lagna lord in different houses, and the nature of the Lagna lord is explained. This is a good 'how-to' for beginners to get an understanding of houses in astrology.
Visti is a student of Pt. Sanjay Rath and part of the Jyotish tradition of Śrī Achyutānanda Das of Kaliñga (Orissa). A tradition originating from the Pancha Sakha of Śrī Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. His study of the traditional Vedic knowledge has enabled him to further others in their study of Vedic Astrology through courses both online and in-person.
Visti holds the titles of Jyotiṣa Pandita and Jaimini Scholar, and is a custodian of the Mahaṛṣi Jaimini Upadeśa Sūtras.
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