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Hardcore Literature Lecture Series
📔Contents Page: https://cutt.ly/CmNhRY3
🎖️ War and Peace: https://cutt.ly/U3nzGma
🎭 Shakespeare Project: https://cutt.ly/B3nxHH7
🐳 Moby Dick: https://cutt.ly/K3nzVKf
☄️ Blood Meridian: https://cutt.ly/P3nz6Qp
🍂 Wuthering Heights: https://cutt.ly/N3nxxYt
🇮🇪 Ulysses: https://cutt.ly/x3nxQmN
🚂 Anna Karenina: https://cutt.ly/vmNhAWv
💀 Crime and Punishment: https://cutt.ly/rmNhFt5
⚓ Persuasion: https://cutt.ly/amNhX7b
☕ In Search of Lost Time: https://cutt.ly/5mNh8oD
⚔️ The Hero’s Journey: https://cutt.ly/UmNjrE3
🌸 Siddharta: https://cutt.ly/YmNjuzi
🎠 Don Quixote: https://cutt.ly/cmNjoK4
❤️Shakespeare’s Sonnets: https://cutt.ly/nmNlW7V
🇫🇷 Les Misérables: https://cutt.ly/J3YixoA
🕯️ The Turn of the Screw: https://cutt.ly/nToAQQ3
🖋️ Dickens Seasonal Read: https://cutt.ly/9ToAybt
📖 Middlemarch Serial Reading: https://tinyurl.com/45rv965c
0:00 how to read Milton’s Paradise Lost
2:30 the story of the fall of Satan
3:45 on the fall of mankind
4:30 knowledge of good and evil
5:30 Paradise Lost and the Bible
7:00 the splendour of Milton’s language
8:00 the importance of reading aloud
9:20 appreciating the poem as closet drama
10:30 how Milton composed the poem
11:30 imagination and memorisation
12:40 the politics of John Milton
14:20 blind poet invokes divine light
17:45 ‘of man’s first disobedience’
20:20 rhyme as invention of barbarous age
22:40 words invented by John Milton
23:45 Miltons’ anxiety of influence
25:40 the romance of Adam and Eve
26:00 the poet’s radical religious beliefs
27:00 eating habits of Milton’s angels
28:00 predestination vs free will
31:00 Satan gazing upon Paradise
35:00 Eve discourses with Adam
36:45 Satan as centre of Paradise Lost
38:00 the influence of Milton’s Satan
39:00 on Milton and Shakespeare
40:00 Milton’s sympathy for the devil
41:30 ‘hurled headlong flaming’
42:50 ‘all is not lost; the unconquerable will’
44:20 suggested reading pace for Milton
47:20 recommended editions of Paradise Lost
50:00 a practical approach to reading the poem
51:00 some questions for you