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How to remove Aiptasia! Berghia Nudibranchs a solution without side effects!

Layne Wilson 27,049 lượt xem 3 years ago
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Aiptasia removal has never been so easy and rewarding! In this video, I'll show you how to get rid of aiptasia anemones and set up a Berghia Nudibranch farm. So you can eliminate your Aiptasia in your reef tank for good. All you need is a couple fish tanks, heaters, air pumps, and a light. Eventually, every reefer has to face this problem. Aiptasia will sting and kill your corals. That’s why aiptasia removal is so important if they get introduced into your reef tank. They also spread throughout your tank very quickly. This can lead to the feeling of hopelessness, because of how difficult they are to effectively clear from your saltwater tank. These small glass anemones are not very attractive as well. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of natural methods to get rid of them. And products like aiptasia x and kalkwasser may not remove all of them. These aiptasia-killing sea slugs are nature’s answer to this pest that has plagued the aquarium hobby for years. They will kill aiptasia better than peppermint shrimp and copperband butterflyfish. Unfortunately, Berghia Nudibranchs have been too expensive for the average hobbyist to get for their tanks. They have also been very difficult to find. Until now! Once these nudibranch get in your tank they will kill all the pest anemones permanently. By having a separate farm of them, you can also make money by selling them to fellow reef hobbyists! As these sea slugs will lay eggs every 12 days. So you will have a constant supply as they grow into adults.

⬇Links from this video⬇
🔪Aiptasia Killer Farming Kit -
🐌Berghia Nudibranchs -

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#laynewilson #reefaquarium #aquarium
00:00 Intro
00:48 Cleaning out old fishtank
01:52 Why Berghia are the best option
04:58 Why you should breed Berghia
07:12 Setting up a Berghia farm
09:39 Setting up Aiptasia farm
11:00 Seeding the tanks
12:54 Maintaining the Berghia farm
14:52 Lifecycle of Berghia nudibranchs
15:20 What to do with the slugs
16:19 Outro/Cool Berghia clips
