Every time someone finds out we run all of our company meetings in Asana, they can’t believe it.
First they're confused, then shocked, then their mind is blown once they see how we do it.
For most companies, meetings are VERY inneficient. Running our meetings in Asana is one way we run more effective meetings.
(this is especially helpful if you run a virtual company)
If you haven’t heard of Asana - it’s an AMAZING project management software.
Way better than Trello, Basecamp, Teamwork, and any other project management tool (trust me, I’ve tried almost all of them).
Asana is one of the 3 (or so) tools at the core of running Self Publishing School.
And like I mentioned - we even use it for meeting agendas.
I’ve never seen anyone else do this in their company.
Check out the video to see how to run meetings in Asana and let me know what you think!
(this video is mostly project management software agnostic…so don’t worry if you don’t use Asana)
Here’s to more productive meetings…and less time wasted for everyone involved! 🍻
Watch my video on "How To Run Great Meetings" HERE: https://youtu.be/exsUMs5s3Nw
Watch my video on "How to Run A Company Book Club" HERE: https://youtu.be/UmrH3c4QQqw
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Check out what we're doing at Self Publishing School here: http://self-publishingschool.com
Learn about booking me to speak here: https://youtu.be/K12hkOXaM3k