Patrick gives kayak sailing lessons as he shows what a great kayak sailing adventure looks like.
Everything in this video occurs on a 1 day 30-mile kayak sail trip to North Bass Island and Back.
Kayak Sailing lessons include sail trim, how to sail up wind, lowering sails, stowing / securing a sail to your deck, raising sails, changing sail size, removing a sail at the end of the day, trip route planning, and more.
Our kayaks are completely normal except for a Falco Kayak Sail. We can help you rig a high performance on any kayak. If you order a Falcon Sail with a complete rigging kit, you will have 100% of the hardware you need to easily, and solidly rig a high-performance sail on your kayak.
If you want to learn about kayak sailing a great place to start is rig a good sail on your kayak.
We can help you install a high performance and simplistic sail on any kayak.
You can design a custom sail or order a stock sail that will ship the same day you order
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If you have any questions about kayak sailing, you are welcome to call or email our shop.
Our contact information is available at this location.
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