WebRTC is awesome. But... it doesn't scale, at least out of the box. What if you wanted 5 people on a call? 20? 1000? Can WebRTC do that? With the help of an SFU or MCU media server... absolutely! We'll look at how WebRTC does things, why this is creates unavoidable drawbacks, and how to overcome them with either a selective forwarding unit (SFU) or a multi-point control unit (MCU). We'll compare them and help you find which one is right for your project! Hit subscribe and tune in to more WebRTC videos!
Intro to WebRTC: https://youtu.be/g42yNO_dxWQ
WebRTC and React: https://youtu.be/jIi_QuizfnQ
WebRTC Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF_SZiztoCWHJAohyZKl8QnXYUHLeh11t
Full WebRTC Course on Udemy if you need more detail: https://www.udemy.com/course/mastering-webrtc-part-2-real-time-video-and-screen-share/?couponCode=7F716748A8840A182DAB ($13 good till 10-5-24)
0:00 - Intro
1:24 - The problem out of the box (mesh)
4:52 - SFU
8:12 - MCU
11:08 - Advantages and disadvantages