🐟🌿 Ready to get started? Check out my blog post for an in-depth tutorial backed up by peer-reviewed research to create a thriving planted aquarium for your White Clouds - https://glassboxdiaries.com/planted-aquarium-setup/
Fluval Stratum Substrate - https://glassboxdiaries.com/fluvalstratum
Hygger HG076 Light - https://glassboxdiaries.com/hyggerhg076
Hang On Back Filter - https://glassboxdiaries.com/apshobfilter
Tap Water Conditioner - https://glassboxdiaries.com/tapwaterconditioner
Dr Tims Ammonia Solution - https://glassboxdiaries.com/drtimsammonia
30 PPI Foam - https://glassboxdiaries.com/30ppifoam
Filter Floss - https://glassboxdiaries.com/filterfloss
Window Privacy Film - https://glassboxdiaries.com/privacyfilm
Anubias Caladifolia - https://glassboxdiaries.com/caladiifolia
Anubias Coin Leaf - https://glassboxdiaries.com/anubiascoinleaf
Anubias Nana Petitie - https://glassboxdiaries.com/anubiasnanapetite
Anubias Petite - https://glassboxdiaries.com/petite
Java Fern Narrow - https://glassboxdiaries.com/javafernnarrow
Bucephalandra Kedagang - https://glassboxdiaries.com/bucephalandrakedagang
Tropica Siamensis 53B - https://glassboxdiaries.com/siamensis53b
Helanthium Tenellum Green - https://glassboxdiaries.com/helanthiumtenellumgreen
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How To Setup A Thriving Planted Tank For White Cloud Mountain Minnow! (Beginner-Friendly)
Welcome to my favorite aquarium in the fish room! In this video, I showcase my 12-gallon (45L) Gold White Cloud Mountain Minnow tank, now thriving at 105 days old. Maintained at room temperature (18°C/64°F) during December, this tank features a lush, jungle-like aquascape that’s both beautiful and easy to set up.
Tank Setup
I enhanced the tank’s appearance by applying affordable window privacy film from Amazon to the back glass, creating a clean background without breaking the bank. The hardscape includes spiderwood with Anubias coin leaf and Anubias petite, providing a versatile foundation. I used Fluval Stratum as the substrate, pouring an 8kg bag to form a 2-inch layer that supports healthy plant growth and beneficial bacteria. Additional Seryu stones were added, and so far, the pH and TDS levels remain stable.
Planting Process
Planting involved mounting Anubias Caladifolia, Narrow Leaf Java Ferns, Bucephalandra kedegang, and Anubias Nana Petite to driftwood and rocks using Moss Scapers glue. Helanthium Tenellum Green carpets the foreground, offering excellent cover for minnows’ eggs. Hygrophila Corymbosa Siamensis 53B and Limnophila Sessiliflora were added for a vibrant center and natural water purification. The tank was filled with water carefully to protect the plants, resulting in a stunning aquascape.
Tank Accessories
I selected the Hygger HG076 lighting system for balanced brightness and cost-effectiveness. Filtration is managed by a customized All Ponds hang-on-back filter, using 30 PPI foam and filter floss to maximize beneficial bacteria. A surface skimmer helps keep the water clear, and tap water is conditioned to remove chlorine and chloramines, ensuring a safe environment for the tank’s inhabitants.
Cycling the Tank
Using a fishless cycle with Dr. Tim’s Ammonia Solution, I established a stable nitrogen cycle. Algae growth was managed by introducing pink Ramshorn snails and Amano shrimp, which effectively controlled algae while maintaining water quality. After four weeks, the cycle was complete, and water parameters were stable, allowing for healthy plant and fish growth.
Adding Algae Eaters & Fish
I introduced Amano and Neocaridina shrimp to naturally manage different types of algae. At the end of week four, eight White Cloud Mountain Minnows from Horizon Aquatics were added. Despite initial stress, the fish quickly acclimated, and three tiny fry are now thriving thanks to strategic plant placement and minimal predation.
Current Status & Maintenance
Today, the tank is algae-free, with regrown Anubias plants and stable water parameters. I replaced Limnophila Sessiliflora with Dwarf Sag and added duckweed and water lettuce to maintain water quality. The Helanthium Tenellum Green is spreading, and future plans include adding Skuds, water lice, and water fleas. Maintenance is minimal, involving weekly duckweed removal and occasional water top-offs, thanks to effective natural filtration and plant support.
00:00 - Intro
00:26 - Tank Prep
00:50 - Hardscape
01:03 - Substrate
01:56 - Planting The Tank
04:24 - Aquarium Accessories
05:37 - Cycling The Tank
06:06 - Week 1
06:14 - Week 2
07:00 - Week 3
07:39 - Day 26
09:30 - Fishless And Plantedless Cycle
09:48 - Week 5
10:27 - The Tank Today (Day 107)
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