▼今回の動画について About this Video
In this video, a professional temple carpenter explains how to sharpen a chisel, one of the most important carpentry tools.
This video explains in an easy-to-understand manner how to sharpen a chisel, and what a chisel is in the first place.Please watch to the end!
0:00 オープニング
0:33 研ぐときのコツ
1:26 砥石の紹介
2:02 研ぎ実演(160番)
2:37 研ぎ実演(600番)
2:53 研ぎ実演(1000番)
3:23 場の荒れを直す
3:56 研ぎ実演(1000番)
4:08 カエリについて
4:28 研ぎ実演(1000番)
4:44 カエリの取り方(3000番)
5:48 研ぎ実演(2000番)
5:59 研ぎ実践(3000番)
6:21 鏡面仕上げについて
6:50 仕上げ(6000番)
7:29 天然砥石で仕上げ
9:14 研ぐ前と研いだ後の比較
9:37 エンディング
▼白鳳社寺について About Hakuhoushaji
We are a company that has been engaged in shrine and temple construction for 94 years.
We are committed to conveying the beauty of the landscape of temples and shrines, and at the same time, to promote the skills of palace carpenters, which are now in decline.
■インターン募集中 Interns wanted!
We're looking for people interested in becoming palace carpenters! If you're interested, email me at the address below!!!
[email protected]
We will be conducting tours of temples and shrines with our temple carpenters!
We are looking forward to seeing you at our regular events.
※Check our Instagram for more details!
#宮大工 #白鳳社寺 #のみ #社寺建築