Sign Up for my FREE Video Lesson "Sing Higher & Louder without any strain" here: Learn to Sing Like Adele by using exercises that help you master her unique style that uses both head voice and chest voice. In this episode of "Sing Like The Stars" Vocal Coach Kerri Ho breaks down Adele's vocal style and walks you through 3 easy-to-follow vocal exercises you can do along with her while watching the video.
0:00 Intro
0:30 Technique #1 Strong Chest Voice/Chest Mix
1:50 Exercise - Sobby Moms Descending Arpeggio
2:50 Technique #2 Vocal Fry
5:15 Exercise - Creaking Door
6:15 Technique #3 Flips frequently into Head Voice
9:06 Exercise - Ah-Ooh (Chest To Head Voice)
10:08 Why Adele had to cancel her shows in 2011
Please note:
This is an educational singing tutorial, meant for educational purposes only
No Copyright infringement intended
All Copyright belongs to the originators of these songs