If your website gets a below-average performance on Google Pagespeed Insights or did not pass the Core Web Vitals, then in this video, we are going to share with you 9 practical tips on how to speed up your WordPress website. https://rankmath.com/wordpress/plugin/seo-suite/
We promise you that some of the tips are unheard of because they are thought of and experimented by us.
So, let’s get started.
Chapters (Timestamps):
00:00 - Introduction
00:11 - What May Slow Down The Site
01:10 - Should You Optimize Only Homepage?
03:40 - Core Web Vitals
04:44 - First Contentful Paint
05:30 - Speed Index
05:59 - Largest Contentful Paint
06:39 - Time to Interactive
07:14 - Total Blocking Time
08:10 - Cumulative Layout Shift
09:27 - #1: Identify Issues With Blank Page
12:22 - #2: Identify Slow Plugins
15:13 - #3: Optimize For LCP
16:58 - #4: Optimize Your Image For Web
19:47 - #5: Host Sites On Litespeed Servers
21:02 - #6: Allocate Elements to Right Pages
22:51 - #7: Use A Lightweight Theme
23:58 - #8: Install WP Performance Plugin
26:50 - #9: Use A CDN
27:51 - Recap
29:59 - Outro
Google Pagespeed Insights:
► https://pagespeed.web.dev
Pingdom Tools (Tip #2 - 12:22):
► https://tools.pingdom.com/
Kraken.io (Tip #4 - 16:58):
► https://kraken.io/
WP Rocket (Tip #9 - 26:50)
► https://wp-rocket.me/
More Info on the Google PSI’s Metrics:
► https://web.dev/performance-scoring/
► https://web.dev/first-contentful-paint/
► https://web.dev/optimize-lcp
► https://web.dev/speed-index/
► https://web.dev/interactive/
► https://web.dev/lighthouse-total-blocking-time/
► https://web.dev/cls/
With this, we sincerely hope that these tips will help you improve your site speed tremendously so that your site can pass Core Web Vitals and rank highly and search engines. We are all about helping your content climb the ranks on search engines.
Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel if you want to learn more about how to beat your competitors on search engines:
► https://www.youtube.com/c/RankMath/videos?sub_confirmation=1
Rank Math, the Swiss Army Knife of WordPress SEO, can take your SEO game to the next level. Rank Math already goes above and beyond other top-rated SEO plugins. Do you want to see the magic unfold for your website?
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► https://rankmath.com/free-vs-pro/
Here's are 40+ unique features that set Rank Math apart:
► https://rankmath.com/blog/unique-rank-math-features/
Rank Math Links:
► Knowledge Base: https://rankmath.com/kb/wordpress/seo-suite/
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