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It's been a hot minute but I'm back with a super long video.
Starting a band in the modern age is complicated, messy, and miserable. But for some reason, every kid wants to do it. This video will serve as a reality check for those poor, misled souls.
This video will teach naive children how to find members, find a place to practice, book your first gig, look cool onstage, record music, promote yourself, not end up in a pr nightmare, stay away from cover bands, print shirts, make friends, make practices count, build a following, make shows exciting, build a setlist, and other silly cartoons. It's a pretty comprehensive guide. You've come to the right place, dawg.
Gotta take some time and give some shout outs and cite some stuff, huh?
Beachboy by McCafferty
AM by Heccra
Black Tar Road by King and Queen of the Losers
Nate You Are Extremely Gay by the Worst Artist Ever
A Letter to Your Next Lover by Mains and Monitors
Dam by Illicit Nature
***HIDDEN TRACK*** by Prince Daddy & the Hyena
Sorry Sarah by Raccoon Tour
Happiest Man in Town by Jordan Thornquest
Drug Lord by William Bonney
Dogs by Nouns
A few awesome YouTube videos to shout out as well!
Here Comes the Sun by the Ukulele Teacher: https://goo.gl/ALkfYe
How to Read Sheet Music by Julian Cianciolo: https://goo.gl/ZgwNQF
5 Cheap Alternative Rehearsal Spaces: https://goo.gl/KYJLQD
Ruby Live by Twenty One Pilots: https://goo.gl/KRhTmp
Favorite Liar by the Wrecks: https://goo.gl/J4Wewy
Wedding Singer by Modern Baseball: https://goo.gl/p5s3Rb
Good vibes everyone is gonna die
whatever you do, don't go to bit.ly/NateIsLame.
or bit.ly/NateStore
or Twitter.com/NateIsLame666
or instagram.com/NateIsLame666
it's bad for your health.