Hey birbsquad! This video is how to stop green cheek conures from biting and also how to get them to listen to you. Green Cheek Conures are very ornery and clown like by nature so it is very important to take the biting seriously and stop it for good.
In this video, I'm going to explain the different phases that green cheek conures go through, how to stop certain biting, when its acceptable, and overall how to get your green cheek to listen to you.
I hope that you find this video helpful. My goal is for you to coexist happily with your bird so they are not rehomed or living in an unhappy situation. You deserve to be happy as well as your green cheek conure.
So let me know in the comments if this helps, what tactics you would use with your own green cheek conure, and whats the biggest advice you would give someone that has a green cheek conure. Thank you birbs so much and hope you have a birbtastic week :)
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How To STOP Quaker Parrot Biting FOR GOOD!!!! Parrots Biting You Is Not Normal.
The Worst Green Cheek Conure Bite I Have EVER Had
How To Discipline A Green Cheek Conure and STOP Them From Acting Like Jerks
How To Tame and Earn The Trust From A Green Cheek Conure or Other Scared Parrot
*Disclaimer: All opinions in today's video are my own! I will always state when a video is sponsored and when I partner with a brand. I do earn a small commission when my code and some links are used. Thank you for your support!
See ya in the next one BirbSquad :D beginner parrots, parrots for beginners, green cheek conure, quaker parrot, birbsquad, victoriryann #birbsquad