When you procrastinate on making the video about procrastination... oof. Literally no one is immune to procrastination, so I figured it was time to make a video on planning techniques, mindset shifts, and distraction management ideas that will all help you to combat this universal problem.
Also shared some food for thought at the end because procrastination is more than just a nuisance that makes us have to pull all-nighters to get schoolwork done. You can also view it, like Steven Pressfield, as "resistance", or "the universal force that acts against human creativity". It keeps us from working towards our dreams or leading fulfilling existences. Life's short. Too short to procrastinate ☺
Much love,
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- ✨ t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s ✨ -
0:36 - my procrastination story
1:24 - how to plan in a way that will get you to DO THINGS
2:05 - breaking work down into manageable chunks
2:55 - blocking out your day
3:32 - the Pomodoro technique
4:32 - change your attitude
5:30 - visualize the end result of the work
6:18 - make your phone less distracting
8:14 - eliminating computer distractions
9:25 - Tim Urban's view of procrastination + some words of advice
- ✨ w a t c h m o r e ✨ -
☀ HABIT STACKING - how to learn any habit easily - https://bit.ly/2VeWA1G
📒 A guide to JOURNALING + 50 prompts for self-discovery - https://bit.ly/2CJnzY6
- ✨ f i n d m e e l s e w h e r e ✨ -
🌵 Read my blog - https://www.theblissbean.com/
📨 Get a weekly dose of bliss in your inbox - https://www.theblissbean.com/newsletter
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📌 Get inspired on Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/blissbeanblog/
- ✨ r e s o u r c e s ✨ -
[blog post] 10 tasks you can batch to save loads of time | https://bit.ly/2Zip7RT
TeuxDeux (what I use for weekly and daily planning) | www.teuxdeux.com
Trello | www.trello.com
More on the Pomodoro technique | https://francescocirillo.com/pages/pomodoro-technique
"Inside the mind of a master procrastinator" TEDTalk by Tim Urban | https://bit.ly/2Of5BDU
- ✨ m u s i c ✨ -
City Life by Artificial.Music https://soundcloud.com/artificial-music
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download: http://bit.ly/CityLife-ArtificialMusic
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/caT3jZ0q6Z0
- ✨ a b o u t m e ✨ -
My name is Beatrice. I blog about simple productivity habits to help high-achievers like you find balance and happiness in their life. I hope to inspire you to live your best life with actionable tips and inspiration. I’m so happy you’re here!
- ✨ r e a c h o u t ✨ -
Mailing address |
The Bliss Bean
733 Struck St, PO Box 45744
Madison, WI 53744
E-mail | [email protected]