Welcome to video number 2 in the How to Teach Vocabulary series. In this video, we cover all of the techniques on how to elicit and present new vocabulary to ESL students - like a pro!
Watch video number one in the series first if you are just starting - https://youtu.be/OLxvaHFTLgU
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Teaching English vocabulary, without using translation, is all about eliciting. This means pulling out the meaning of the word from your students. We cover: miming, pictures, drawing, realia, props, context, and all of the techniques to teach vocabulary like a pro.
After you elicit the vocabulary, make sure to board the word correctly, drill for pronunciation, and of course, CCQ.
I've got a video on CCQing here for you - https://youtu.be/lHj6nzPRQdM
If you can master these eliciting techniques, you will be a force to reckon with in the classroom. Eliciting, and teaching lexis in general, takes practice. Don't be discouraged if you struggle with these concepts in the beginning.
So much of good eliciting is having a great teacher voice.
Check out the video on that here - https://youtu.be/hWOt04l18j0
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#teachingenglish #vocabulary #eslteacher
00:00 intro
01:41 eliciting intro
01:56 why elicit?
03:53 ten techniques
04:57 miming
05:43 pictures drawings
06:48 realia
07:24 props
07:53 synonyms antonyms
09:32 hyponyms
10:10 context definition
13:39 new words
15:21 pronunciation
16:27 recap
17:20 choose your technique
18:06 practice