In this episode, I talk to Sam Naney director of coaching at Uphill Athlete. This episode came about thanks to my own lack of aerobic fitness which I felt was holding me back from ski touring / ski mountaineering as safe and quickly as I would have liked to. Thus I wanted to learn more about training for ski mountaineering and general health and well-being. Listen to it on your favourite Podcast platform
IG: @samuelnaney, @uphillathlete
00:00 Intro
02:19 Introducing | Sam Naney
08:16 What is the difference? | Running vs Ski mountaineering
15:17 Heart rate monitors | How reliable are their training zones?
17:00 Mountain training | Building aerobic capacity
25:44 High-Intensity Training | How much do we need?
28:28 High-Intensity Interval Training | How to use HIIT for ski mountaineering?
32:30 High-Intensity Interval Training | When to add weight to carry?
42:29 Add to the todo | Single leg strength
47:15 How to structure your training | LIT, HIT and Strength?
58:14 Personal fitness level | How to test it?
01:00:51 Aerobic Threshold | Find it with the MAF Formula
Fun and useful links:
- Sandcastle metaphor
- Quick and dirty aerobic threshold estimate:
- Heart rate drift test:
- Lab test:
- When to add HITT
- I strongly recommend reading the Sandcastle metaphor
- The reason we train is so we can do more of what we love
- Difference between stamina for “flat running” vs Uphill sports such a ski touring?
- Flat = High cadence runner
- UpHill = Low Cadence walking up mountains
- Flat = Light packing
- UpHill = Heavier / Require more strength (During my first 4000m project I carried 32,5kg of skis and mountain equipment)
- Similarities
- Both require good aerobic fitness
- Muscular fitness
- Identify the objective and work backwards to plan you training
- 90% of Training | Identify your personal Aerobic threshold (AeT) and train 90% of the time at or below AeT
- Quick and dirty aerobic threshold estimate:
- Heart rate drift test:
- Lab test:
- When to add HITT
- 10%
- Nice long warm up then 4-5 X 5 minutes uphill running/hiking at Anaerobic Threshold
- Hit the gym
- Build strength while skiing
- Do single leg exercises
- Lounges
- Split Squats
- Step up on a box
- Train the prime movers
- Squats
- Deadlifts
- Core strength
- Stretch
- How to structure a training week | LIT, HIT and Strength?
- 90% of the training at or below Aerobic Threshold
- The remaining 10%
- Strength
- 4-5x 5minutes at Anaerobic threshold fitness burning carbs
- Add training volume
- Training makes you weak resting gets you stronger so balance is important
- 3 weeks building activity up while adding 1 hour more of Aerobic training with 1 hour every week
- 4th week easy (Drop the training volume with 30%-40%)
- Do another 3 weeks of building volume
- Careful to not to over do and find a coach like Sam to help guide you.
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