Slayer is Oldschool Runescape's favorite skill. For years, almost every OSRS update was aimed at the slayer skill, and the runescape player base just ate it up. Except for a few angry folks over on reddit, but they're just going to be mad no matter what.
In this OSRS Slayer guide, I will be taking you through all of the basics. We will be talking about equipment and gear, but just the basics as everyone is going to be starting at a different setup. I have a section on the optimal unlock order for slayer point purchases, and which slayer master to use in order to gain points. The final section of this video, I go through every task in Oldschool Runescape and the best way to do that task.
This took an extreme amount of time and in order to attempt to keep it somewhat entertaining, I can't go into each and every task as deep as I could have. Honestly half of the tasks could have their own video.
I hope you enjoy, please like and subscribe so raid shadow legends will notice me.
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00:00 Intro
00:12 Nine Free Levels
00:25 Equipment
01:56 Gear Basics
02:58 Slayer Points
05:46 Extending, Blocking, Skipping
06:12 Training Strategy
06:54 Slayer Masters
08:35 Every Task(Nieve and up)
08:49 Aberrant Spectre
09:14 Abyssal Demon
10:25 Adamant Dragon
10:59 Ankou
11:35 Aviansie
12:04 Basilisk
12:35 Black Demon
13:08 Black Dragon
13:43 Bloodveld
14:21 Blue Dragon
14:43 Boss Task
14:56 Brine Rats
15:12 Cave Horror
15:38 Cave Kraken
16:20 Dagannoth
16:59 Dark Beast
17:17 Drakes
17:42 Dust Devil
18:31 Elves
18:59 Fire Giants
19:38 Fossil Island Wyverns
20:16 Gargoyles
21:01 Greater Demon
21:40 Hellhounds
22:10 Iron dragons and Steel Dragons
23:13 Kalphites
23:39 Kurask
24:07 Lizardmen
24:38 Minions of Scarabas
25:09 Mithril Dragon
25:59 Mutated Zygomites
26:48 Nechryael
27:29 Red Dragon
28:01 Rune Dragon
28:32 Skeletal Wyvern
29:18 Smoke Devils - Best EXP
30:08 Spiritual Creatures
30:51 Suqahs
31:16 Trolls
31:53 Turoths
32:10 Jad/Zuk
32:35 Vampyres
33:00 Warped Creatures
33:31 Wyrms
34:01 Waterfiend
34:22 Hydra
34:51 Jelly
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