We will show you the best way to trap feral hogs in this Pig Brig tutorial. Wild hogs are fast becoming the most destructive nuisance in the south. Dr. BoarBuster Bruce has trapped up to 30 pigs at once and we show you how to set up the Pig Brig in under 30 minutes! Hog trapping has never been easier. We are not affiliated or sponsored by this product but we saw the need for a tutorial for setting this trap up. This is a game changer for those that are managing hunting properties. Watch this video if you need an honest pig brig review from actual customers that purchased this product and have had great success with it.
⪢⫸ About the Next Gen Adventures family⫷⪡
Justin and I have been married for 17 years and we are raising our two boys, Austin and Jaxon, in beautiful Panama City, Florida. Justin has been fishing and hunting these areas since he was a child. I met him in 2003 when I came here on vacation from my home state of Utah. I am a nurse anesthetist and work in the very hospital that Justin was born in!
Justin is a full-time fishing guide in Panama City, Florida and also host of Chasin' the Sun TV show on Discovery Channel. He is passionate about all things that involve outdoor adventures and strives to share his values and love of life with his family. I do most of the filming and all of the editing for our new YouTube channel because I find our adventures fun and entertaining, and I think you will too!
◉➡️Next Gen Adventures social media
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/next_gen_adventures/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NextGenAdventures
◉➡️Justin Leake social media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/justinleakePCB
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/captjustinleake/
Fishing guide website: https://panamacityinshore.com/