Join me, Orly Shani, as I teach you the easiest way to turn a maxi skirt or dress into pants or a jumpsuit! UNLOCK YOUR PERSONAL STYLE - SHOP ROCKNOT - SHOP MY MERCH! - Check out my latest videos: Subscribe: I have worn these black and white printed ones everyday since I made them and I'm even more obsessed!!! This is a super simple way to transform a skirt that you own and dont wear, or a new thrifted buy, into a slouchy pair of pants you'll want to live in. This works amazingly well on skirts with drawstring in the waist because you can adjust the fit without sewing it. It also lends to the overall vibe of it. Remember to make the back rise longer than the front for a more comfortable fit. This is a sewing project but its one main seam, so it's a great one to start with if you're a beginner sewer! If you try my DIYs, make sure to tag me on my socials! INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: MATERIALS Skirt Scissors Pins Sewing Machine #DIY #OrlyShani #sewinghacks