In this video, "How To Use A Floor Leveling Laser | Find High And Low Spots In A Floor" I'm going to show you how to find imperfections in an unlevel floor.
If you've ever re-done your flooring you may have encountered issues with your sub floor being uneven or wavy.
Not only is this a problem that will halt the new installation of your new flooring, but a major inconvenience.
Fixing an uneven floor can take a lot of extra time and potentially money to fix depending on the severity of it.
In my case, the sub floor underneath the old laminate that I removed was extremely wavy and uneven in multiple spots.
In this video, I'll show you how to use a Floor Leveling Laser to Find High and Low Spots In a Floor!
I aim to be a resource for you guys, so feel free to reach out with any questions. ➡ [email protected]
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