How to Use Chain & Binders, Working load Limit explained, & Math for tiedown ratings #noncdlhotshot
Note- At 1:34 I misspoke when talking about a direct tiedown. The weakest point of the tiedown was the chain not the binder. My tiedown rating would have been cut in half from the rating of the chain not the binder as it's WLL is less on the chain than the binder.
I almost always use wheel straps for Vehicles. I used chains for this due to I picked it up where I dropped off the previous cargo so I already had the chains & binders out.
Link to the Tie down requirements from the FMCSA Website is below.
The Rule for Vehicles and heavy equipment over 10k falls under 393.130 and 393.128
The information about the binder losing working load limit can be found under section "minimum working load limit for cargo securement devices and systems"