How to Use Chopsticks Left Handed version. In this video I show you how to hold chopsticks with your left hand.
Many people hold chopsticks in a variety of ways but this is technically the correct way to use chopsticks properly and the best way to learn how to use chopsticks for beginners. The style of chopstick can vary a little, be it Chinese chopsticks, Japanese chopsticks or Korean chopsticks but the technique for holding chopsticks is the same. Sometimes called Chinese sticks or Chinese food sticks learn how use Chinese sticks easy.
As well as showing you how to use chopsticks correctly in this step by step chopsticks tutorial I also show you how to practice and get the repetition and teach you how to eat with chopsticks too. Once you learn how to use chopsticks properly then its just practice and you will be able to eat with chopsticks in no time.
How to use chopsticks with your left hand - Using chopsticks with the left hand is exactly the same as using chopsticks with the right hand. If you watch instructions for a right handed user you will be seeing everything the opposite way round and will have to try and compensate and follow along for the opposite hand. So I decided to also make a chopsticks tutorial for left handed people version of my video to make it easier for left handed people to see and follow along without having to adapt from a right handed video. Hope it helps.
I did film a totally separate video for the left hand and just intended to use the final section with the food from my first how to use chopsticks video but I didn't like it so I ended up using the video from my right hand and flipped it to give a left handed perspective so you can easily learn how to use chopsticks properly left handed. It works out exactly the same.
If you want to learn how to hold chopsticks using your right hand then this video might be of more use to you:
How to use Chopsticks - with your Right Hand:
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Cheers. Lee
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