I talk briefly about what my goals are for Japanese in 2019 and then walk through how I'm using the Genki textbook for self-study outside of the classroom.
UPDATE: One of you asked in the comments how exactly do I use flashcards to reinforce grammatical concepts. I realized I didn't explain this well in the video. Here's my more detailed response:
I use a lot of fill-in-the-blank style flashcards, where the part that goes in the blank is the part that requires applying grammar rules. I give an example at 11:59 in the video, but I don't think I really explained what grammar point that example was meant to test. Oops.
So here's what I do in more detail. For instance, if I need to memorize how to conjugate a verb, I would use an example sentence from the book (since the book gives example sentences for every grammar point it teaches you :D), and then blank out the verb part that I need to conjugate. When I see the card, I must recall the entire conjugated verb in its entirety. Here's an example of one of my flashcards from Genki I, Chapter 8:
Front side: スーさんは、明日試験があると___。(speaking politely about something you overheard)
Back side: 言っていました
^ This tests application of using te-form in past tense if quoting a speech where you had been present at.
I have another card with this same sentence that tests the another grammar point:
Front side: スーさんは、明日試験が___ p 言っていました
Back side: あると
^ Tests application of using short form + とfor quoted speech
Hope that helped!
As usual, the video ends with some dialog in the target language (Japanese in this case) showing where I'm at so far conversationally.
Stuff mentioned in the video:
• Genki I textbook I https://amzn.to/2JP1mwi
• Fluent Forever multi-search tool for finding images | https://blog.fluent-forever.com/multi-search/
• Anki for flashcards | https://apps.ankiweb.net/
• Fluent Forever book | https://amzn.to/2W5AXR4