The query trenches are so tough. I remember them vividly. Today I share my actual query letter, and walk you through it paragraph by paragraph. It’s not perfect (not even close, I even managed to get a comp title wrong) but it was good enough for multiple agents (10) to request the full manuscript.
I remember how lost I felt querying. Some days I wondered if it would ever happen and if the slushpile would ever work. Now I know it works but we all have to deal with a lot of rejection first. These videos are designed to give you some hope and comfort so you don’t quit early. I had no contacts (and very little knowledge of publishing) and I recall how distant that world felt to me.
Hope the video helps. Leave me a question if you’re not sure about anything. And please do share this with any writer friends.
Wishing you all the very best of luck
You can find me on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok. Mainly books and forest life. Lots of St Bernard photos.