I am so excited to finally bring you a full 5-part series on Writing Great Scenes!
In the writing world, we talk a lot about plot and overall story structure, but I think where a lot of writers get stuck is in the process of figuring out how to write scenes. In this video series, we’re going to go over the 5 components of great scenes, 6 questions to ask when thinking about your character’s role in every scene, how to pack scenes with conflict that keeps readers turning pages, and more! I can’t wait!
To grab your free “How To Write Great Scenes” Workbook, sign up for my mailing list on this blog post: https://heartbreathings.com/how-to-write-great-scenes-that-keep-readers-engaged-writing-great-scenes-1/
You’ll get instant access to my entire HB Resource Library!
✰✰✰My Favorite Craft Books That Helped Me Learn To Write Great Scenes✰✰✰
"Plot and Structure" by James Scott Bell: https://amzn.to/3nYuTX2
"Scene And Structure" by Jack M. Bickham: https://amzn.to/3Iz9L3a
"Story Genius" by Lisa Cron: https://amzn.to/3Pmni0J
"The Anatomy of Story" by John Truby: https://amzn.to/3z61Ze5
"Structuring Your Novel" by K.M. Weiland: https://amzn.to/3AOfPTr
Feel free to please add your favorite resources in the comments! We all learn from each other!!
Also, I’ll be speaking as part of the Authortube Writing Conference this weekend. All videos and presentations will take place here on YouTube, FREE! Replays will also be available to watch if you can’t attend live. Find all the details and playlists here:
AWC Website: https://www.authortubewritingconference.com/
AWC Publishing Track: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVrC50nqY3OLgk4gaPsaJq5B0WZaHB_OZ
AWC Writing Track: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVrC50nqY3OImy-9cde9oof_ANtmSQpFa
AWC Feedback Form: https://forms.gle/wm14ZBJqyAJ17JBG8
My presentation will be on Saturday at 3PM Eastern. Hope to see you there!!!
Interested in Publish and Thrive? Find out all the details about what’s covered in the course before we open enrollment on Sunday! The price is $399 with a 6 and 12 month payment plan option available. Have other questions? Put them in the comments! https://heartbreathings.teachable.com/p/publish-and-thrive
00:00 Intro
00:30 Writing Great Scenes
03:54 What Is A Scene?
08:31 Character With A Goal
09:07 Clear Setting
09:57 Conflict or Obstacle
10:54 Purpose and Connection
11:54 Outcome and Change
13:02 The Series
15:30 Final Thoughts
SUBSCRIBE NOW -- https://www.youtube.com/heartbreathings
I’m truly so honored and appreciative of when you want to send me Happy Mail! It touches my heart more than I can say. Thank you all so much!
My mailing address is:
Sarra Cannon
445 E FM 1382
Suite 3 - 419
Cedar Hill, TX 75104
BLOG -- https://heartbreathings.com/blog
INSTAGRAM -- https://www.instagram.com/heartbreathings
FACEBOOK -- https://www.facebook.com/heartbreathings
TWITTER -- https://www.twitter.com/heartbblog
Heart Breathings, Episode 348
About Me: My name is Sarra Cannon, and I've been indie publishing since 2010. In that time, I have published 26 books and sold well over half a million copies.
I've made some mistakes along the way, but I've also learned some valuable lessons that I think will help you reach your goals. I can't wait to help you learn to make money writing what you love.
MY BOOKS -- http://www.sarracannon.com
THREE FREE BOOKS -- http://sarracannon.com/book/beautiful-demons-box-set/
My Author \ Vlog Channel — https://www.youtube.com/sarracannon