Want to write inside cards with your Cricut machine?
Learning how to use pens with your Cricut machine can be confusing. Today you'll learn how to find single-line writing fonts so you don't end up with bubble letters you don't want.
Make sure and subscribe to our channel for more weekly tutorials! - https://www.youtube.com/c/Housewivesofriverton1/videos
Supplies used:
Cricut machine - https://creativehousewives.com/CuttingMachines
2x2 Card Mat - https://creativehousewives.com/CardMat2x2
Insert Cards - https://creativehousewives.com/InsertCards
Brayer - https://creativehousewives.com/Brayer
Scraper - https://creativehousewives.com/ScraperTool
Spatula - https://creativehousewives.com/Spatula
Pens - https://creativehousewives.com/CricutGenPens
Other videos you may enjoy:
Cricut Card Mat for Maker and Explore machines - https://youtu.be/9HuIqc_ADMQ
How to make Cutaway Cards- https://youtu.be/Isiig98xPdo
How to use Cricut Foil Transfer Tool - https://youtu.be/3le6xCbKhZA
#cricut #insertcards #cricutmade #cards