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Learning how to write OKRs is dependent on understanding the anatomy of an OKR. OKR (Objectives and Key Results) is a methodology for setting and cascading goals through an organization. We put them at a company-wide, team, and individual level.
Our objectives (Os) should describe the outcome or “what” we will deliver to the organization. It needs to be ambitious and uncomfortable. The key results (KR) are the “how” we achieve the outcome. There is generally a handful of KRs that work toward delivering the O.
KRs will often reset every quarter. Using our example, we tasked our first key result as growing revenue from new markets 0-10%. While going from 0% to 10% would be quite the leap in our first quarter, we may set a target to reach 1% by the upcoming quarter and reset the target for the next quarter to 2%. Or, a KR could simply be a project that can quickly be completed in a quarter, in which case you can just replace the KR with a new one for the next quarter.
Other essential points on how to write OKRs:
● Assign each person two to three OKRs
● An individual should own a whole “stack” of an OKR
● Write your OKRs using verbs or actions as the intent
● Make sure your OKRs are measurable, either verifiable or quantifiable
● Look for opportunities to have impact measures within your key results (something that goes beyond company profit, for example, environmental impact)
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