Seasons are changing and so do our routines. What's next? If you’re struggling, consider therapy with our sponsor. Click for a discount on your first month of therapy. If you have questions about the brand relating to how the therapists are licensed, their privacy policy, or therapist compensation, here is an overview written by the YouTube creators behind the channel Cinema Therapy that goes into these topics: elp_concerns_headon_deep/
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Sourdough Sandwich Bread Recipe:
Michelle's "Easily Distracted by Plants" Shirt:
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We want to share our passion for efficient, sustainable homesteading that brings the family together. On our homestead we do chemical-free gardening, grass-fed milk and beef, pastured eggs and broiler chickens, and free range children :) We love to go on adventures as a family, so if we're not workin on the farm, we're probably hiking or out getting ice cream. We're all into DIY, and being inventive and creative. We believe in homesteading that's sustainable, not just sustainable homesteading. In other words, we want to show you that homesteading doesn't have to wear you out to the point that you give it up. We've seen it happen, and almost came to that point ourselves. So go ahead and take a whack at that subscribe button if you'd like to join us on this crazy ride. Get ready to learn and be inspired!