DISCLAIMER: Apparently during editing I made the music too loud for certain sections. Audio has been a consistent spot where I still have a lot to learn and improve with. Regardless, I hope you can enjoy the video and my thoughts. (:
In a sea of tragedy that composes the world of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, Howard G. Hamlin stands as one of the most tragic characters in Better Call Saul, if not both shows combined. His punishment for his crimes is not just unfair, but deeply tragic.
Written, Edited, and Voiced:
Glass Bear
Songs and Sources:
This video is a review/critique protected under fair use. All clips used are transformative as they accompany my commentary and are therefore within my legal rights to use.
This video is NOT INTENDED FOR CHILDREN. Though it is possible that the topics and characters I discuss may appeal to some children, the language and visuals that I use are, at times, not appropriate for young children.