Huge Charity Shopping Day - 5 shops in one day and getting my vegetable garden ready for Spring
Join me in visiting 5 charity shops/thrift shops in one day! I love a good rummage and charity shops are all around. We tend to get stuck in our routine and I go to the same shops regularly but I was sure there would be more around and I was not disappointed! Check out what I found today.
Since posting this video I’ve found even more so I’ll be sure to share those at some point too! 😀😀
I’m also starting to get my vegetable garden ready for planting. I’ve got raised beds and I’ve got 3 of them filled with soil now one of which houses my strawberries. I’ve got 3 more beds to top up and then we’re ready! I have to tell you I cannot wait to get started but we’ve got a hard frost coming next week so just a little longer to wait. March is coming soon! Can’t wait!
Instagram: @miekes_countryhome
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