Hey lads I have a nice long Commander gameplay video that's been lightly edited. I wanted to leave as much context in as possible to show all the little things, communication style, and leadership that it takes to turn a losing match into an all out Win! Once again sorry for the slightly poor resolution quality at times, this was downloaded off my Twitch Vod and Twitch does a terrible job recording content in the actual resolution it is streamed in!
About me: I've been streaming Hell Let Loose for almost 2 years now and have 4000+ hours in game. I went fulltime stream in the last couple weeks here and I have been so appreciative of all the support the stream has sent me since then. If you haven't already check out my twitch channel linked below if you want to catch my next comp cast live!
Make sure to join us on:
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/angelodelamorte_tv
Discord: https://discord.gg/rangersofthenorth
Thank you so much for the 1500+ Subscribers, it felt great to reach that milestone I cant wait to hit 2000!
🎬I release 1-2 full videos a week and 2-3 shorts a week
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#hellletloose #gameplay #competitive