Another big Littlest Pet Shop unboxing!! I'm so excited about how far Basic Fun's LPS brand has come in its first year on shelves. I am so in love with these g7 pets, their new designs are so fun and the nostalgic throwback pets are also so exciting! I know everyone's been hoping for the "Big 5" pets to make their return and they've finally arrived! Which one is your fave? Which would you like to see next? I think my most desired returning sculpt would be the dragonfly... I'd love to see an angler fish in this gen's style too! A lobster or a crab even? LPS has done those but not in this style and g7's new sculpts are always so cool (: At least in my opinion!
THANK YOU SO MUCH TO BASIC FUN TOYS @littlestpetshopofficial @BasicFunToys for the gifted product for review. Not all products in the video are gifted and all opinions are my own.
LPS CUTEST ON IG (for guides and codes):
0:00 - 10:04 - Introduction and unboxing PR gift - blind box series 3 pets
10:04 - 18:56 - Unboxing more blind boxes and series 2 pet pairs
18:56 - 26:15 - unboxing series 3 pet trio tubes
26:15 - 38:12 - Close-up review of Blind box series 3 pets
38:12 -48:38 - Close-up review of Series 3 Pet Trio tubes
48:38 - 56:32 - Close-up review of Series 2 Pet Pairs
56:32 - 59:28 - Final thoughts and story starter cards