இந்தியா அலர்ட் I அத்தியாயம் 206 | இரத்த புத்தகம் | #Khoon #Bhari #Kitabey | Enterr10 #Tamil | #India #Alert
#IndiaAlertTamil Full Episode 206
இரத்த புத்தகம் - Khoon Bhari Kitabey
This episode of India Alert Tamil depicts the story of a teenage boy named Manu who was attracted to his tutor named Ambiika. Ambika was a middle aged woman who used to teach English language. Manu had known her and was attracted towards her. He even forced his parents to allow him to join her coaching classes which they agreed to. After he had joined, he behaved differently in front of Ambika and he even confronted about his love for her. But how will Ambika react upon knowing his intentions? To find out, stay tuned!
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