I Actually Beat EVERY Black Ops 2 Easter Egg Solo.
I Actually Beat EVERY Black Ops 2 Easter Egg Solo.
I Actually Beat EVERY Black Ops 2 Easter Egg Solo.
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In this video I went back through and beat every single Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Zombies Easter Egg Solo. This means that for every main quest easter egg that we have to complete, I am completely on my own making this video incredibly challenging! You might've seen that I've done this previously, only this time we have to beat them all. 100% completion. No excuses. On maps like, Tranzit, Mob of The Dead, Origins and many more we try to beat Every Single Easter Egg SOLO!
00:00 Intro
00:34 Tranzit
19:08 Die Rise
43:25 Mob of The Dead
1:29:40 Buried
1:54:00 Origins
#easteregg #cod #bo6