Super Mario Odyssey Hide and Seek with Custom Power Moons and Custom Hint Art for HIDDEN Custom Power Moons!! (Nintendo Switch Game Full Movie) SUPER MARIO ODYSSEY!! The funny "100 mystery doors but only one lets Mario escape" and "100 mystery buttons but only one lets Mario escape" now continue as a new Mario challenges with another ZXMany Super Mario mod: "Mario Odyssey but You Get +1 Jump Power EVERY SECOND!!"! In this funny Mario video, Mario starts off with 0 jump power, and Super Mario gains 1 jump power every second, visiting all custom towers that I made, including Baby Tower, Walls Tower, Water Tower, Poison Tower, and City Tower!! Largest/ biggest buildings from the Metro Kingdom, and all in the Cascade Kingdom, amazing Super Mario Odyssey custom mod gameplay full movie!! Cool animations of Mario in high jumps with Mario animations and crazy high jump height Super Mario unbelievable!!! Huge thanks to Arrowstotle for playing through this with me! We did something similar on his channel, check it out - Hint art edited and placed in-game by ZXMany! Fence object by Skydorm! #Mario #SuperMario #SuperMarioOdyssey It's been a few years since the previous episode, but here's another episode of Super Mario Odyssey video with Power Moons hidden! YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Super Mario Odyssey with FIRE BREATHING!! (FULL GAME PLAYTHROUGH!) - Mario Odyssey FLOOR IS LAVA with ROCKET NOZZLE from Mario Sunshine!! (FULL GAME!!) - Super Zelda Odyssey (FULL GAME PLAYTHROUGH) - Shadow Clone Odyssey is INSANE!! (Mario Odyssey Shadow Clones Mod) - GIANT Mystery Buttons But Only One Lets MARIO Escape - I made a few videos about Super Mario Odyssey with hidden Power Moons back in 2021 👍 It's great to make another video like this, it's been a long time! Here's one of those videos: