I pieced my PDP Concert Maple drumset and Zildjian A Custom cymbals together one day at a time to complete my LARGE drumset build. #pdpdrums #zildjiancymbals #drumsetup Find me on my other socials here! https://linktr.ee/jaketheflake TIMESTAMPS 0:00 - Ludwig Drum Throne 0:31 - 14" PDP Maple Snare 1:31 - 15" Zildjian A Custom Hi-Hats 2:31 - 22" Bass Drum 3:15 - 22" Zildjian K Custom Ride 4:03 - 14" Floor Tom 4:45 - 17" Zildjian A Custom Crash 5:41 - 10" Rack Tom 6:33 - 18" Zildjian A Custom Crash 7:30 - 12" Rack Tom 8:17 - 16" Floor Tom 9:11 - 10" Zildjian A Custom Splash 10:08 - Pearl Cowbell 11:07 - 17" Zildjian A Custom Crash (AGAIN) 12:05 - 9" Zildjian K Custom Hybrid Splash 13:04 - 8" Rack Tom 14:05 - 16" Zildjian A Custom Crash 15:04 - 12" Zildjian A Custom Splash 16:02 - CYMBAL UPDATE 16:49 - 16" Sabian AAX Aero Crash 17:48 - Pearl Tambourine 18:48 - 13" Zildjian Armand Hi-Hats 19:47 - 6" Zildjian A Custom Splash