Today, I asked many questions I had about Ubisoft, such as bots likes and attacks, my video being taken down, random unarmed NPCs, where this was made, and so on.
NOTE: In the video caption, it says "Osaka studio closed early 2024," but it should be "late 2024." Also, "Viking Doors" is correct, not "Viking Dolls." Sorry for any confusion!
"I still can't believe this is happening, but it is. I want everyone to watch this video to hear your views about this game. I believe this video, along with upcoming ones, will provide a clearer view of what's really happening at Ubisoft, the issues they're facing, and how they actually think about this backlash. I have some conclusions at the end of the video, but I want you to share your thoughts about this as well. Also, please share this video and spread the message."