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Testimony by Breyonte Andrews
Directed by Eric Villatoro
Interviewed by Eric Villatoro
Edited By Joshua Gayle
Audio Mixed by Paul Nicholas
Testimony Recorded in Decatur, Georgia
Delafé Testimonies is a global evangelistic project with the mission of creating the world's largest archive of Jesus testimonies until His return. Our vision is to save souls, build community, and set people free through the testimony of Jesus.
00:00 Growing Up
01:45 Being Sexually Abused As a Child Multiple Times
08:02 Trying to Protect My Cousins
10:13 Questioning My Identity After Realizing I Was Abused
13:36 Taking on the Identity of Being Gay
16:15 Telling My Mom About Being Abused As a Child
20:17 My Mom is Diagnosed with Cervical Cancer
26:02 Losing My Mom
29:06 Moving to Atlanta, Making New Friends
30:32 My Friends Introduce Me to Witchcraft
34:52 Diving Deeper into Witchcraft
40:07 God Calls Me Back to New Jersey
43:00 Encountering the Presence of God
46:07 An Eye Opening Conversation with My Pastor
47:14 The Perfect Storm
50:39 Fully Surrendering to Jesus
55:29 The Lord Begins Transforming Me
59:28 Getting Baptized
1:01:59 Becoming a Wife and Mother
1:06:39 Who is Jesus To You?
1:08:31 Message for the LGBTQ Community
1:10:54 Prayer
1:13:37 Final Words
1:14:29 Thank You to Our Donors!
I Believed I Was GAY, Until JESUS Did This...😳 (MUST WATCH!)
Breyonte Andrews Testimony