Today is one of those days I"ll remember forever. It's a day when things I"ve dreamed about for years and years become reality. Today I make that big jump in the sawmill world as I buy a fully hydraulic professional-level sawmill. Join me as I take you for a tour of my new sawmill for the very first time down at the factory it was built in by none other than the owner of Clarke Sawmills. I'm seeing my new sawmill in person for the first time today and so if I seem a bit in shock, it's because I am. This will surely be a great day! Here we go!
Manufacturer of Clarke Portable Sawmills:
Shamrock Welding and Repair
320 Shamrock Rd
Omemee, Ontario, Canada
Tel 705-799-2871 or 705-799-1979
Email: [email protected]
My sawmill shown in this video:
Clarke Portable Sawmill model 350-38
Sawmill visible in the background in this video:
Clarke Portable Sawmill model 50
Other models available from Clarke Portable Sawmill can be found at:
or by calling (705) 799-2871 or (705) 799-1979
Mikron Computer Setworks shown in this video:
MIkron SW-350-PRO (universal computer setworks
Other Brand-specific Computer Setworks available from Mikron as well at:
UAB "Mikron LT"
02189, Lithuania, Vilnius, Meistrų str. 8
[email protected]
For USA and Canada:
+1 678 399 1995
Call Hours: 6 AM - 3 PM EST/EDT
+370 621 11 365
+370 663 48 078
Call Hours: 10:00 - 19:00 CET
Sawmill lasers shown in this video:
Toll Free:
From USA & Canada : 1-877 987 2783
From UK : 0 800 016 3373 (from 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm - UK Time)
[email protected]
Model: TZ16X70-520L 50mw
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