I'm still in disbelief. I can't believe my eyes... does such high quality really exist within everyone's reach? Although it is a professional product, its price is also suitable for home use. XInfrared One XH09 is easy to use and is of high quality. Professional thermal imager that connects to your smartphone and has a very high resolution of 384×288 with a frequency of 50hz and has a detection range of 870 m plus a 15X zoom.
This model XInfrared One XH09 on amazon: https://amzn.to/47U3bzN
On sale with Black Friday:
All models and accessories on Amazon. https://www.amazon.it/s?maas=maas_adg_70412CDB2B825ED06299E2B152C718ED_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&tag=maas&me=A3G2BFCZ8BB2IV&marketplaceID=APJ6JRA9NG5V4
Link to the official website: https://linktr.ee/XinfraredOnlineStore
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Attention! Don't miss to see the list of items I have tested and recommend trying
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