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PART 2: GBA 3D FPS Originals - https://youtu.be/xvFWd0Lj9DQ
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It is estimated that there over a 1000 games made for Nintendo’s Game Boy Advance. No idea was too ridiculous for the GBA, except for maybe one — First Person Shooters. Despite hundreds and hundreds of games, there are only 13 FPS’s on the GBA and we’re gonna cover every last one! Welcome to PART ONE of our ode to GBA First Person Shooters, and in this episode it’s all about the ports!
☠Credits ☠
Written by Derek Alexander & Grace Kramer
Shot by Grace Kramer
Edited by Sober Dwarf ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs595r4A30fYDOd7AzTAgbw and Derek Alexander
Music by ☠► hellstar.plus
Artwork and Bumper by Studio Goblin
☠► https://www.studiogoblin.co.uk
☠ More? ☠
The Xbox Red Ring of Death ►https://youtu.be/EhW_SXzyUXI
Secrets of the GBA e-Reader ► https://youtu.be/-CiT-c2WDno
Mighty No 9 Kickstarter Explained ► https://youtu.be/snmGTtyELkQ
Secrets of the N64 Expansion Pak ► https://youtu.be/n17SDFZSu_o
Explained: Castlevania vs Curse of the Moon ► https://youtu.be/EKIAI0iG9ZI
Street Fighter Gameboy Ports ► https://youtu.be/56EzX4Mbg34
The Day One Patch and No Man's Sky Next ► https://youtu.be/O4zhOpCrq3s
Doom Console Ports #2 (Jaguar/3DO/Saturn) ► https://youtu.be/XsKLvzNT7E0
#stopskeletons #gba #gameboy