Let's look at 3 C major scales and 2 A Natural Minor Scales and tear them apart. We will then reconnect the dots and make music. I made some really good charts for this one, so grab them below and keep going Team Jellyfish. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/57pxlwcxlvl2eabmtlgb4/ACZHgaiuVRVW9tYJILOzui4?rlkey=9r795i7o2nmcjwaf9or3jiaaf&st=8gjdzevs&dl=0
Tips for coffee appreciated but never required..thank you :) https://mrelmoresmusiclab.com/?
Need anything from Sweetwater: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/y2MYrV
Check out these videos too:
0:00 Overview of the entire chart
0:57 First C Major Scale
1:15 Second C Major Scale
1:39 Third C Major Scale
2:01 Two A Natural Minor Scales
2:57 Connecting All of the Scales and making Music
6:13 Wrap Up...Now grab those charts and get going