How do you judge your progress in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu when your gym doesn't give stripes?
This is the question I received from one of the viewers.
His BJJ gyms doesn't give stripes out and he's wondering how do you judge progress when stripes aren't a part of the equation.
In this video I first share that the belts and stripes in Brazilian Jiujitsu are simply symbols.
Like the word "Tree" which is a symbol to represent what we call a tree. Now a tree is a collection of cells. It's an organism with leafs, bark, etc.
The word TREE is simply a representation of what it is.
And the belts and stripes are simply symbols to represent progression and skill.
I also share how I personally didn't even receive a stripe until I was a Purple Belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.
Along with this idea I also share some helpful tips on how to judge your progress in BJJ.
If you're in a similar situation. I hope this video is useful.
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