Marching Band Around the World | Episode 1: I flew to Japan for a marching band show
Funliner Productions presents a new series that takes a deeper look into the international marching band community! This episode takes us over to Japan to see what a marching band show is like!
00:00-00:28 Intro
00:28-02:12 Meet Noa
02:12-03:19 The Matsuri Marching Festival
03:19-04:04 Noa explains the grid
04:04-04:34 Meet Satoshi
04:34-05:34 Elementary School Marching Bands
05:34-07:22 The Warm Up Zone
07:22-09:21 Middle School Marching Bands
09:21-13:02 Shonandai High School Marching Band
13:02-13:17 Outro
13:17-14:01 On the next episode...
14:01-14:16 :)