#shelter #snow #frost
Crazy frosts have come to my region of residence. Daily the temperature drops below -25.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Today I'm going to my dugout to see if it can withstand the extreme temperature of -29.2 degrees Fahrenheit. After all, such a fierce frost is promised tonight, it seems to me that my house underground will be able to warm me and I will stay alive. Will I be able to overcome the elements or not?
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Hiding in cozy dugout, I insulate the walls https://youtu.be/KRWmqdn5Tzc
COZY DUGOUT: I made a wood BRICK STOVE in one day https://youtu.be/2NxF3_sCYA4
We hid from a SNOWSTORM in an old huge HOUSE https://youtu.be/HatoloeZkEE
Cozy TREE HOUSE: I'm hiding from the FROST https://youtu.be/aoa6PI-7apY
DUGOUT shelter build from START TO FINISH. Bushcraft 2022 https://youtu.be/zvQMhX-teYs