I Made a Dragon Master Time Wizard Deck... | Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel
0:00 - vs SE Azamina
1:48 - vs Ashenend
4:27 - vs FS Centurion
9:05 - vs Bystial Dark Magician
13:31 - Decklist
Full Decklist:
1x Dark Magician
2x Effect Veiler
2x Maxx C
2x Ash Blossom
3x Goddess with the Third Eye
2x Summoner Monk
2x Edge Imp Chain
3x Keeper of Dragon Magic
1x Fallen of Albaz
1x Bystial Magnamhut
1x Bystial Saronir
1x Bystial Baldrake
1x Bystial Lubellion
1x Nibiru
2x Illusion of Chaos
1x Chaos Max Dragon
1x Preparation of the Rites
3x Polymerization
2x Frightfur Patchwork
2x Lightning Storm
1x Branded Fusion
1x Branded Regained
2x Super Polymerization
1x Called by the Grave
1x Etude of the Branded
Extra Deck:
1x Time Wizard of Tomorrow
1x Starving Venom Fusion Dragon
1x The Dark Magicians
1x Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon
2x Albion Branded Dragon
1x Master of Chaos
1x Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon
1x Mirrorjade Dragon
1x Lubellion Searing Dragon
1x Rindbrumm Striking Dragon
1x Khaos Starsource Dragon
1x Guardian Chimera
1x Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
1x Dragon Master Magia
#yugioh #masterduel #yugiohmasterduel #konami