Hi friends! 🔎👒 Download June's Journey for free here: https://woo.ga/hgz8so
Thanks to June's Journey for sponsoring this video!
HALLLOOOO it is time, my friends, to add another teeny tiny creature to my growing collection. *laughs in Smaug*
I recently was super inspired to make something in tribute to one of my childhood favorites (and nightmare fuel): Return to Oz. That, combined with my urge to make something Autumn-y (Happy Halfway to Halloween!), led to me making my own little Jack Pumpkinhead doll!
I hope you enjoy this little cozy craft while I finished up everything I need for my England trip and I LOVE YOU ALL!
00:00 Intro
01:58 Materials n' Such
03:42 Ad
04:59 SKELTON TIME *guitar riff*
05:28 Sculpting the Clay
09:45 Bonfire Meme Break
10:07 Making the Clothes
11:26 Painting Time!
14:21 The Reveal!
14:39 Wrap-up & Bloopz
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