I Needed This!
We take the Can-Am Spyder down to Currituck NC, Stop for Pit Stop at the “Boarder Station” in Moyock, then stop for lunch at “Pass the Salt Café” then take the Ferry back over to Knots Island and our ride home. We avoided most of the traffic on Rt 168 by taking the back roads. We had unusually mild July day with temps in the 70’s. After experiencing a family loss, Miriam proclaimed “ I needed this!”
We are proud to be Can-Am On-Road Ambassadors for a third year.
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Web Site: www.AshpaltOdyssey.com
Email: AsphaltOdyssey@gmail.com
Facebook: John and Miriam’s Travel Vlog
Music: Artlist and YouTube Music Library
Gear used:
*Can Am Spyder RT SE6, 2014
*Can Am Freedom Trailer, 2019
*Trailer Hitch: Can Am Spyder Accessories.com
*Cup Holders on Spyder: Drink2go.com
*Helmets: HJC i90 & SHOEI RS 1200
*Jackets: Sedici, Revit & Fly High Viz
*Dash and Tank Bag:
#canamspyder #CanAmonroad #wecanallride #canamonroadbrandambassador #johnandmiriamstravelvlog #AsphaltOdyssey #roadtrip
Video Gear:
*Canon EOS Rebel T6i DSLR with Rode Mic.
*Go-Pro Hero 7 Black
*Go-Pro Hero 3+, *Sena Prism Tube: HD Video Camera, Helmet mounted.
*Editing software: PowerDirector 20
Who we are, John & Miriam, our Asphalt Odyssey, and road trips, Our Goals: to inform, inspire, entertain. Can-Am Spyder owners, Can-Am Brand Ambassadors travel channel, Topics covered: Travel, Travel gear and equipment review, Travel Tips, Interviews.