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00:00 This video goal
01:18 What makes an element Reactive/Noble?
03:22 Whats the most intuitive AND accurate model to use here?
06:23 Why is Helium Noble?
09:01 Why is Neon Noble?
12:12 So, atoms don't really want or desire octet!!!
13:25 Wait, shouldn't Nickel be Noble?
16:16 Why is s orbital lower than p orbital?
20:12 Why is d orbital significantly higher?
22:07 Why is Argon Noble?
24:15 Putting it all together - Where does octet 'rule' come?
27:46 A bigger message of this video
Where does the octet rule come from? Why do Noble gases tend to have 8 electrons in it's valence (outermost) shell? What's the intuition behind the 8 valence electrons making elements stable?
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