Ever wanted a PC with a dedicated pizza button? 🍕 Well the Netpliance i-opener from 1999 has you covered, press it anytime to order pizza online! At least back when it was still an active Internet Appliance that connected to the web via dialup. But that won't stop us diving into this oddity on LGR! ● LGR links: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.twitter.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews 00:00 PIZZA BUTTON 00:24 The Netpliance i-opener 02:59 Late 90s internet appliances 04:37 IPAD in 1999? 05:20 Unboxing my i-opener 2001 06:30 Cleaning and restoring it 07:14 Powering on the computer 08:23 QNX based operating system 08:39 i-Opener Home Page shortcuts 09:42 Cached data like the weather 10:34 Time capsule 2002 news articles 13:26 Email, web guide, shopping 15:07 RealPlayer music and audio 15:44 Microphone, parallel printer, USB 16:31 PS/2 keyboard & mouse, RAM 17:11 Daggum delightful PIZZA KEY 17:51 Cheap keyboard, mouse nub 18:50 It's a PC! Disassembly time 19:28 Motherboard and components 21:45 Downfall & demise of Netpliance 24:12 TippingPoint Technologies legacy 24:52 That's it for now! Until I hack it... #LGR #retro #computer #pizza #internet #appliances